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Problem with the Player Salaries Floor

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Date: 11/8/2011 5:43:56 AM
DK Shaolins
Overall Posts Rated:

I started about ten days ago and i play in the first division in Senegal. This morning, after i paid my weekly expenses, i noticed something...

My Total Player Salaries is 34.468 €. That is what i have paid last week. But today, i had to pay 165.587 €, the Player Salaries Floor of my division...

In the rules, it is written : "New teams have no salary floor until their first offseason". Because my team was created the day before the last friendly game of last season, two or three days too soon, i have to pay my players 5 times what they really cost. I'll lose around one million euros. All my incomes will serve to pay the Player Salaries Floor. Also, i feel wronged compared to recently created teams in my division.

Can you do something for me ?

Thank you

----------- (en français)


J'ai démarré le jeu il y a une dizaine de jours et mon équipe joue en 1ère division sénégalaise. Suite à la maj économique, je viens de tilter sur un truc qui me pose problème.

Les salaires de mes joueurs s'élèvent à 34.468, c'est ce que j'avais payé la semaine dernière. Mais aujourd'hui j'ai payé 165.587, la masse salariale minimum des joueurs. Dans les règles, il est écrit qu'une nouvelle équipe ne paye pas la masse salariale minimum jusqu'à sa première intersaison... Mon équipe a vu le jour la veille du dernier match amical de la saison 17... A cause d'un ou deux jours, je vais perdre plus d'un million cette saison et je me sens franchement lésé par rapport aux équipes qui se sont créées depuis. Tous mes revenus vont servir à payer une masse salariale 5 fois supérieure aux salaires rééls de mes joueurs. Que faire ?


This Post:
201806.2 in reply to 201806.1
Date: 11/8/2011 6:23:40 AM
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I have advised NuffRespect to report here.

The rule was meant to stop teams to use that baaaad strategy of tanking, not fun for other teams.

The implementation of the rule in small communities is a bit harsh.
New teams in small countries should not be impeded in their development. It's for the benefit of newer and older teams that they catch up fast in order to create emulation and competition. Those leagues are already deserted, it's not fun at all to be a new team dropped in D.I, the gap with the best team is huge and you mostly play superteams or bots...

The rule should be tweaked for small communities and I feel maybe even completely scrapped.

I hope you'll look into it.

This Post:
201806.3 in reply to 201806.2
Date: 11/8/2011 7:54:20 AM
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Second Team:
Wouldn't the solution just be to make sure new teams (newer than 2 seasons) don't get affected by the rule?

This Post:
201806.4 in reply to 201806.3
Date: 11/8/2011 7:58:12 AM
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I agree with Manouche. And your suggestion sounds good. Managers of new teams don't think about "tanking" during their first seasons.

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201806.5 in reply to 201806.3
Date: 11/8/2011 8:03:41 AM
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It sounds good.

This Post:
201806.6 in reply to 201806.5
Date: 11/8/2011 8:36:44 AM
DK Shaolins
Overall Posts Rated:
I'm glad users seem to agree with me that there was an issue. Do you think i can expect any kind of "reparation" ?

This Post:
201806.7 in reply to 201806.3
Date: 11/8/2011 12:12:37 PM
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Wouldn't the solution just be to make sure new teams (newer than 2 seasons) don't get affected by the rule?

It sounds pretty good.

Le forum francophone dédié à Buzzerbeater : ( Vous y trouverez conseils et partage
This Post:
201806.8 in reply to 201806.6
Date: 11/9/2011 4:52:55 AM
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Second Team:
Yes, I believe we will change the system and will make sure you get your money back. Since it's a pretty big issue, it may take some time to apply though.

This Post:
201806.9 in reply to 201806.8
Date: 11/9/2011 5:13:59 AM
DK Shaolins
Overall Posts Rated:
Thank you very much. Let me know when you do so ;-)

This Post:
201806.10 in reply to 201806.3
Date: 11/9/2011 11:41:06 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Maybe no PSF for the first 14 weeks, regardless of off-season proximity?

"Air is beautiful, yet you cannot see it. It's soft, yet you cannot touch it. Air is a little like my brain." - Jean-Claude Van Damme
This Post:
201806.11 in reply to 201806.10
Date: 11/10/2011 4:58:34 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
That's exactly what I was working on yesterday. I thought 16 weeks is better, so will use that. Should already be implemented in the next economy update.

EDIT: Changes have been implemented but we have not made any refunds. Looks like we might not even do the refunds but I'll need to discuss that with other BBs.

Last edited by BB-Marin at 11/10/2011 5:11:58 AM