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What tactics will suit my team?

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From: wingers
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Date: 11/11/2011 1:36:51 PM
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Hey Guys please can anyone take a look at my team and tell me, what training should I commit to for the season, and what tactic will help my team survive this season if there is any hope for me? i really need all the guild line and advice to survive this season, got good teams in my league.


From: wingers

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202220.3 in reply to 202220.2
Date: 11/11/2011 4:30:16 PM
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Patrick has JS average JR/DR/Rb/SB respectable rest inept and awful is best position is suppose to be PF but because of is height i choose to play him SF.
Thomas JS average JR/DR mediocre, OD/PA respectable, HD inept.

My strongest guards has DR proficient PA strong, also they have a every power OD.

All last season i played mostly R&G offence and 3,2 defence well i guess i did well because i played most with bot team, first time i played LI they played badly last season, now i am playing motion and i am struggling to win in my first two match.

So what you think i should do,

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202220.4 in reply to 202220.3
Date: 11/11/2011 8:25:25 PM
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First note that it's both irrelevant which position a player is listed at and what size he has. Well, not totally irrelevant, but you shouldn't choose your lineup based on the official positions, nor should you pay any attention to the size of your players as far as your lineup is concerned; size only matters for training purposes.

And try playing balanced offenses - base offense, push the ball, perhaps even patient or an iso offense.

From: wingers

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202220.6 in reply to 202220.5
Date: 11/12/2011 9:14:59 AM
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Thanks a lot i will focus on two position training for my guards. and get young good players for other position as you advised also will extend my arena. thanks again will keep you updated how I go. Am going to the top!!! no stopping me lol!!!!