Answering NO - means you are not gonna play TIE
It doesn't mean, I have already play TIE after I said NO. In season our NT win Consolation Tournament.
Answering YES - means you the opponent will most liley play TIE
But there is always risk he breaks the deal.
No answer - means the opponent will not play TIE
It just means he didn't answer, nothing more. Maybe he doesn't like agreements, he can't speak english, he doesn't know what it is TIE etc.
What is actual punishment for spamming? I don't think this would lead to significantly less or even no agreements. I think if most of the community agree that we prefer playing without agreements the solution should be in change of enthusiasm and effort system so that there is no need of offering deals and not in some persecution of users offering deals.
Last edited by rwystyrk at 11/16/2011 7:25:53 AM