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Maximizing an Arena

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From: Urudy
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Date: 11/17/2011 3:14:53 PM
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I noticed that one of the top teams on my league managed to get 17360 attendance on a currently undefeated record. At his prices, that is $197,977 (by a simple rundown at the Current prices). That is about 80k above league average here and he may be able to get more as he is dropping some prices. That seems especially high a for a D IV team. How much do D III teams take in when they maximize an arena like that?

I checked some D III teams with good records and took their best arena attendence (with a win prior to their home game of course) for this season and many of them do not get the ticket sales of the Dwolves in my league D. IV- 46, if you add up their ticket prices. This has motivated me to really make my arena great this season, I now hope to get 13k+ seats by this season... hopefully more. After my next home game (which will be following a win this time :), I will consider new prices.

Does anyone have an example of a maximized arena in D III as I am hoping to promote soon.

On a side note, I do feel that the Dwolves could rake in even more with a few additional seats and some fine adjustments (which are being made).

From: myToast
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202771.3 in reply to 202771.2
Date: 11/17/2011 11:57:17 PM
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attendance is the followings combine

1. ticket price
2. your country and league ranking
3. players salary combine of the match
4. fan suvery

a lower league team with a very good survey, right price + huge stadium
can earn more than a higher league team, bad survey, so so price, small stadium at easy

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202771.4 in reply to 202771.2
Date: 11/18/2011 8:13:51 AM
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I also noticed that lots of D II and D III arenas seem to have high prices as they struggle to get to 20k attendance. If they charged lower prices, is it possible to get 20K+ attendance or is that a limit, forcing players to maximize prices? I wonder what the highest attendance anyone has gotten.

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202771.5 in reply to 202771.4
Date: 11/18/2011 8:40:04 AM
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Well obviously if your ticket prices are higher, you're going to attract less people. The key is to find that balance that maximizes your profit.

The one thing I've noticed studying arena's is that teams in the same league seem to be far more financially rewarded for builidng more of seats and keeping the price low than less seats at a higher price. And I would imagine this remains true until your arena gets up around 20000 seats.

Of course the downside of that is you have to pay to build those seats but if your goal is to reach the highest division, you're going to have to build them at some point anyways.