I would not exactly agree with this view. Since it would be known that staff would not be changed that much and would know that they will have for example a coach for 5 seasons, they would wait for an appropriate price for him. Sure, at the start the higher division (richer) teams would buy staff for more, but other teams would wait and not buy. Therefore they would get the wanting staff for less money. That would be a chain reaction I think. But now one would buy a trainer level 5 (salary 16k) for 300k+, level 6 (salary 19k) for 600k etc...And they have to do it every three season because of the increased salaries. So how do you think that the new system would hurt lower division teams? In all logic it would be the quite opposite. I do not see a lower divison team who can afford to pay 700k for a coach every three seasons.