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Who is the Greatest of all time?

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From: #24CMAN
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Date: 12/6/2011 7:52:04 PM
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Hello BB world, i know we all love the game and most love to debate on our opinions, and i'm bringing the most heated argument of all time to the table. Who is it MJ, Bird, or Magic(picked these because they are the most common choices). You can say someone else if you think they're the best ever. Plz explain why you think that way, let's make this interesting.

I say Jordan: He is the most skilled player in NBA history and he always elevates his game to the level to win. Not just once, not twice, but every occasion. He is a fierce competitor, and that's why he has 6 rings, and has the highest scoring average in history over a career. And i can go on and on.But i'll keep it brief, what do you think?

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204088.2 in reply to 204088.1
Date: 12/6/2011 8:50:47 PM
Arizona Cacti
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I think Jordan is the greatest offensive player ever but Bill Russell is the best defensive player and I think you could make more of an argument for someone else on offense than you could for someone else on defense.

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204088.3 in reply to 204088.1
Date: 12/6/2011 8:58:22 PM
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Jordan said something like that: " there is no greatest of all time, there are greatest of their time"

It is reallly hard to compare player of different, and i would say even of different positions.

I like a lot of players:

Wilt: 100 points are not bad, lots of boards(that hasn't to do with the speed of the game only the third best rebounder has 7 board less then him), also quite good with assist ... and he was dominant.

Russel: the ring on his toe said it all.

the big O, Magic: probadly the best player, who archieved high level in (nearly) every basketball related skills.

Jordan: he played dominant and was a genius in marketing which briought the nba to the next level.

And now this go to non BB.

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204088.4 in reply to 204088.3
Date: 12/6/2011 9:34:27 PM
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i believe jordan could go into any time period, and prove himself most dominant every time regardless it be 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s and today. jordan would take over

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204088.5 in reply to 204088.4
Date: 12/7/2011 2:16:06 AM
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you shouldn't forget that he is probadly the most actual superstar in the list, and training methods, and professionalism really increased ... But i am already thinking that Jordan wouldn't be labeled as those freaky athlete he was when he entered the NBA now, and in the beginning he scored a lot through that.

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204088.6 in reply to 204088.5
Date: 12/7/2011 6:47:52 AM
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I can`t be objective because my favorite player is Dirk Nowitzki...I think he is the best player ever:D

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204088.7 in reply to 204088.6
Date: 12/7/2011 6:50:08 AM
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I can`t be objective because my favorite player is Dirk Nowitzki...I think he is the best player ever:D

the best german for sure, and for me a role model* for a sports star :) Hopefully he get reminded also in the world, after his retirement.

* i am not sure ifs role model means typical or the positive responsible way like the german "Vorbild". Cause Nowe look like he is still grounded, not trying to get every cent using making tons of commercials ... his appearance at the show "punk'd" shows a lot of his charakter in my eyes:

Last edited by CrazyEye at 12/7/2011 7:06:24 AM

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204088.8 in reply to 204088.7
Date: 12/7/2011 7:12:01 AM
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i agree to you:)
Dirk in my opinion is the best. I dont like Lebron, because lot of people think he is the best - but if I look to him, I only see good dunker and showman. He dont have that concentration, leadership, competence, fighting spirit, which has got Dirk.
Dirk and Dallas is good example to show that names and talent dont separate match result-main thing is never back down and team play.

All time MVP in my opinion - Dirk Nowitzki.

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204088.10 in reply to 204088.1
Date: 12/12/2011 9:37:39 AM
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J.R. Smith

I don't need to explain
