Hi all,
I have a question about my arena and when it is worth to invest some money.
I still have the starting arena with 4500/450/ 50 / 0 seats but in my last five homegames I had an total attendance of 5000 each game and my ticket prices were 14/40/120/800.
Should I invest some money to build up a larger arena or is it a bit to early for that and I should wait 1 more season(I cant find anykind of fanbase like in Hattrick)?
Cuz I could need a better Center too ;)
I know the ROI (Edit: Return on investment) might be bigger if I spend money for my arena but I dont know if should spend it on bleachers, luxury boxes, etc or just make the seats more expensive?
If there is already a thread about this plz accept my appologies and post a link :)
thx in advance
Last edited by Trigg at 3/23/2008 10:07:48 AM