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Strange fan survey?

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From: f3nr1s
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Date: 1/4/2012 4:15:46 PM
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i noticed a somewhat strange behavior on my fun survey page and i was wondering if that is some kind of bug, or the fan survey calculation is really that advanced.

so, the game before my last one i lost against my rival cotojes dragons (congrats, btw!) in a tv-broadcasted game. after the match, i had just one ball in the "last game", "last tv game" and "last game against rival" categories on my fan survey page, which was expected. then, i won against a weaker team in my league by 30 points, and while i expected the "last game" category to rise (it got to 5 balls), i noticed also that the "last tv game" and "last game against rival" also got half a ball to their score, which i found odd.

so, either this is some kind of bug, or the game engine is so advanced that it takes into account that the fans might feel somehow better about an important loss if you had a nice rebound victory after that.. so, your thoughts? have you experienced something like that before?

Last edited by f3nr1s at 1/4/2012 4:16:17 PM

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205858.2 in reply to 205858.1
Date: 1/4/2012 7:02:22 PM
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It's no bug.

Think of it as they are surveying a different group of fans after every game so each category will and does flucuate about 1/2 ball to 1 ball from survey to survey. Look after the next game and these same may be different again. But the flucuations will almost certainly be fairly small.

From: CrazyEye

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205858.3 in reply to 205858.1
Date: 1/4/2012 7:35:38 PM
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also such bad cases loose their importance and tend back to a medium value over a while, since those games seems to be less dramatic.

The explanation of beener, should be also on the fan survey page and is probadly the main reason for the switch.

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205858.4 in reply to 205858.3
Date: 1/5/2012 8:03:26 PM
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It is supposed to be random but some times it is ridiculous. A friend of mine Viral Infections sold his entire team and has just three players left all worth less than $4,000 a week and still got four balls for "I am familiar with the star players..." while another friend of mine the Goldfish has sold one player since October and gets 1 1/2 balls.

I personally think the fan surver is complete crap. I had my TV and Rivalry game the first game of the season and CT'd it but lost by 6 points (when it was 2 point game with a minute to go my coach thought it would be a great time to have all my starters on the bench) so for the entire season I have had 1/2 a ball for both those aspects of the survey. That is way too much effect, if I had scored 7 more points would it have been 5 balls for the entire season and me getting $50,000 extra a week? Stupid.