just curious about my arena size. I've no idea what size it should be before I enter the higher division, which I'll be most likely doing after this season. This is my 2nd full season playing this game, and I've always thought that expansing your arena is a good thing. I've never really bought any superstar players this far, just used most of the money to buy more seats. The IV-division I'm in is not that competitive, therefore I'm able to spend less money on players. But the next season (I hope) I'll be playing with much harder teams, thus I'm forced to buy more expensive players.
When should I stop expansing my arena and start to save money for future(next season) players? I'll be needing at least 2 new players to be able to survive in the III-division next season. I'm making 65k profit a week, and at this moment I'm sitting on less than 10k.. But after this week I'll have 135k. If everything goes as planned, I'll have around 600-700K after the season (including the bonus you get after relegating).
By the way, IV-division in Finland is the 2nd lowest division there is. There's V-division, but it's for bots only. Unlike in the USA, where there's divisions all the way up to VI? Just to prevent misunderstandings.
Thanks for help =]