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What should I expect at Div. IV????

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Date: 1/16/2012 1:21:26 PM
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I believe promoting is 100 percent up to me. I've beaten the other two top teams by 49 points and 33 points, so I believe if I set my lineups correctly and avoid injuries, the championship is mine. That would also promote me from Div. V up to Div. 4.

Below is what my team makes today. Tell me how you feel each will change.

Level 4 trainer
Level 1 Doc
Level 1 PR Mgr.

Total Cash Reserves: $600K+

Bleachers: 4740
Lower Tier: 453
Courtside: 116
Luxary Box: 6

Player Salaries: $ 79 689
Staff Salaries: $ 18 768
Scouting: $ 10 000
Total: $ 118 457

Attendance: $ 75 698
Merchandise: $ 12 687
TV Contract: $ 55 636
Total: $ 144 021

Typical Weekly Net Income: $ 33 564

I guess the main thing I'm looking for is, how much will my merchandise, tv contract and attendance money go up at the next level?

What is the average total player salaries for a team at the next level? I'm at $80K now, how much will that have to go up?

I will have one young trainee in the 18K to 20K salary range, but most of my players will be 9K to 12K in salary. How useful are these type players at the next level. Does a 10K 16 year old normally start at the next level, or just backup?

THanks for any info you can give me.

This Post:
206574.2 in reply to 206574.1
Date: 1/16/2012 2:09:30 PM
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I'm new to BB (placed mid-season in Div IV), and right now your team makes as much as mine does, and I'm a last place team. I expect you to make more than I do once you climb into Div IV. I don't have an estimate regarding how much.

As far as players, it's a mixed bag. There's a top team in my league with a $175K Center who is crazy good, a couple $40K guards, and a $27K C who plays PF. On the flipside, my nemesis team has a very balanced team of players in the $15K -$20K range, and he is making the playoffs. To answer your question specifically, there are lots of players making $10K starting in my league. Heck, there are players getting lots of minutes in my league making $6-$10K a week. I suppose this does all depend on the specific league you are joining, though. Best of luck!

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206574.3 in reply to 206574.1
Date: 1/16/2012 2:21:21 PM
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Here's our league's average weekly economy stats:

Player Salaries: $ 101 087 Attendance: $ 100 880
Staff Salaries: $ 55 021 Merchandise: $ 19 377
Scouting: $ 7 857 TV Contract: $ 67 151
Total: $ 163 965 Total: $ 187 408
League Average Net Income: $ 23 443

I spent most of the season at ~80K total player salary, and currently I'm leading my conference. But of course you know that salary is not a great metric for determining player performance. But just about all of my players were 7-10K weekly salary. And they were fine. And three of those guys were my main trainees.

If you're set to promote, I'd suggest getting ready to put a good chunk of that cash reserve into your arena. Then, after the playoff eligibility deadline, I would look to pick up some cheap veterans, especially for depth.

Note you'll also receive a 200K promotion bonus when the season turns over. I put my entire bonus into my arena, and and glad I did.

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206574.4 in reply to 206574.2
Date: 1/16/2012 2:26:38 PM
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Thanks for the info. I think someone told me one time that my attendance dollars would double and that my merchandise would go up to about $22K.

I fully expect to make most of my team today bench players or sell them off this off-season, once I have for sure promoted, and buy much better players for the future. I won't be able to have a team that is good enough to 'make the playoffs', my competitive nature will make me spend all of my money trying to catch up to #1, and I'll go into next season with about $1.3M with what I have now, what I'll make the rest of this season including the playoffs, and the promotion bonus. If I sell off a couple of my late-20s veterans I should be able to add a couple hundred grand to that.

Again, thanks for the info.

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206574.5 in reply to 206574.4
Date: 1/16/2012 3:29:08 PM
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Your arena is tiny.. spend some money upgrading that before you promote so you can maximise your income, as you are already selling out each game. Maybe before this season finishes, do 2 x 500 bleacher upgrades..

If you promote you will get a bonus to attendance for the first half of next season, the best way to capitalize on that is have a few extra seats... You wont be able to compete financially with other teams in div 4 with such a tiny arena.

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206574.6 in reply to 206574.5
Date: 1/16/2012 3:59:52 PM
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Your arena is tiny.. spend some money upgrading that before you promote so you can maximise your income, as you are already selling out each game. Maybe before this season finishes, do 2 x 500 bleacher upgrades..

If you promote you will get a bonus to attendance for the first half of next season, the best way to capitalize on that is have a few extra seats... You wont be able to compete financially with other teams in div 4 with such a tiny arena.

Agree 100%

My advise is to play cool. Star playing some games, scout your rivals very closely ( is a great tool and helps setting yourlineup and analyze rivals) and don't, don't don't buy new players all of a sudden. There are very competetive leagues and others not so. Patience is the key here.

And try to avoid deficit, that would hurt you and, if you need to waste money for an emergency (aka injury of a star) you'll be complicated.

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206574.7 in reply to 206574.4
Date: 1/16/2012 10:55:54 PM
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Scouting is worthless as you will get last pick , and the draft in BB is almost like a lottery, I wouldnt waste money on that instead put it in to my arena

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206574.8 in reply to 206574.7
Date: 1/16/2012 11:53:45 PM
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In a league with nearly all bots, I should still get a good player. Not to mention, the teams that are not bots never play scrimmages, never buy players off the TL, so I doubt they are scouting players and drafting players trying to build them up. I could literally be the ONLY team in my league that has scouted a player.

But I do agree with you, the scouting process appears to be a waste of money for higher teams. I didn't invest in scoutiung points the first half of the season because of it. Now I'm just hoping to find one good player out of it.

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206574.9 in reply to 206574.3
Date: 1/17/2012 1:15:08 AM
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Does it cost the same to build seats in IV as it does in V?

In other words, should I rush to build now before I promote?

I knew I would need a bigger arena once I moved up, but I've not been selling out until the last three home games, so I was in no rush to do it before.

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206574.10 in reply to 206574.9
Date: 1/17/2012 1:30:26 AM
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seats always cost the same, regardless of league.. but remember, they take time to build, so if you do it now they are ready for the start of next season...

you have the cash to do it, so why not... the quicker you do it, the quicker you can start getting a return on your investment.. The money in your account doesnt accrue interest, so i would say it is costing you money by not investing now.

Again, i suggest, do 500 bleachers at a time... by the time the new season rolls around, you will have 1000-1500 new seats which will be worth an extra $9000-$13,500 per home game at your current prices, then focus on some lower tier. take a look around some US div 4 leagues and check out there arenas, and try to model on that.. also check their prices and copy those.. i think ur prices are to low.

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206574.11 in reply to 206574.1
Date: 1/17/2012 8:12:37 AM
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here is how mine finances compared with league average. I think you can expect huge proffit too if u keep winning atleast half your games.

Savaitės finansai
Išlaidos Pajamos
Žaidėjų algos: $ 60 292 Lankomumas: $ 125 014
Personalo algos: $ 29 711 Prekių pelnas: $ 24 158
Talentų paieška: $ 10 000 TV kontraktas: $ 66 376
Viso: $ 100 003 Viso: $ 215 548
Savaitės grynasis pelnas: $ 115 545
Paskutinės savaitės lygos vidurkiai
Išlaidos Pajamos
Žaidėjų algos: $ 103 557 Lankomumas: $ 86 346
Personalo algos: $ 37 540 Prekių pelnas: $ 18 821
Talentų paieška: $ 5 000 TV kontraktas: $ 66 376
Viso: $ 146 097 Viso: $ 171 543
Lygos vidutinis pelnas: $ 25 446