I have a problem which began (from what I've noticed) a couple of weeks ago...
it's regarding my Draft Order
Whatever browser I use...Mozilla, Opera, Chrome, Internet Explorer... I can not edit the order or verify a player.. if I try to verify, the draft page would just refresh itself... I've managed to do it, but it was right after All Star Game, after that... nothing!
I've uninstalled and reinstalled Java, Adobe Flash Player, Shockwave Player.. restarted my PC again and again... and nothing! if I'm on my phone, the best thing I can do is just verify a player... it won't let me do something else and that's natural... my phone isn't 'equipped' properly so that it could do more, but I was expecting not to encounter such problems on my PC... I mean, everything else works just fine... except this...
now the clock is ticking and I can'tedit my final order...
is there someone that has been experiencing the same problem or..can someone help me with this?