Fan Survey and Seasons Expectations / Predictions
I don´t like the current setup of the fan survey. I do like the concept of it beeing (a) somewhat random and (b) different fans having different opinions, so the mixture of two fans beeing asked and the "who rates which catagory most important" should still be random (20% deviation possible, weight of the different catagories varying for the purpose of further use).
I´d also like to "invent" a new part, which is based on the information the manager provides to the fans at the start of the season. You should set an own "seasons task" for your team, which has some influence on the teams development.
Season Task:
(1) Win it all - fans are willing to pay top entry fees, but expect to get rewarded with performance. If performance won´t come, they will not show up either. 1st it is. 2nd - 4th average. Below horrible.
(2) Playoffs - fans are willing to pay almost top prices, and will reward the team if it makes the playoffs. If the playoffs are endangered, don´t expect them to come, the more you miss, the less they will be interested. If you´re well in the playoff ranks or even leading your division, be sure they will pay almost any price. The more the better - 1st would be great, 2-3 good, 4th average and everything below would be a huge mess.
(3) Hold the League - fans are willing to pay medium prices, and are willing to "forgive" you some losses, even happening in streaks, as long as place 5-7 are in range. If you overachieve, they will be enthusiastic, but they will never accept top prices. You´re a small club and teams are not willing to overpay on small clubs. Team is expected to finish 5th or 6th, 7th will be accepted, but not celebrated. 4th would be great.
(4) Rebuild - fans won´t hit you with high expectations, but they expect fair value for it. If you relegate, you relegate, if your prices are fair people will come to support the new guns and help you build a true fan base. If your prices go through the ceiling, they will stay at home. If your team overachieves, fan base will be happy, but won´t "trust" you too much, so don´t expect them to spend all your money on you. Team is expected to finish 6th - 8th.
The predictions have to be made by each coach before the season starts, and can be altered (but no more than to the next higher or lower category) come all star day. Every team missing its´ prediction is meant to (2) go for the Playoffs.
Now to the Fan Survey:
Part I - the Cup.
The Cup expectations should be measured by two aspects.
(a) Last years success.
(b) Opponent strength.
Basic Value while still in the Cup: 4 Balls
Basic Value when going out of the Cup: 2 Balls
Winning against a stronger team: .5 Balls extra.
Losing against a weaker team: .5 Balls less.
Exceeding last years Cup result: .5 Balls per Round.
Part II - the League:
Last years success:
(a) Standings (1st in Div 3, 2 / 3 2.5 Balls, 4th 2 Balls, 5th 1.5 Balls, 6th / 7th 1 Ball, 8th 0.5 Balls) - 0.5 Bonus Balls for each playoff round, Winner getting another 0.5 Balls.
(b) W / L record (22 5 pts, 21-18 4.5, 17-14 4, 13-12 3.5, 11 3, 10-9 2.5, 8-7 2, 6-5 1,5, 4-3 1, 2-1 0.5, 0 0. -0.5 Bonus Balls for each Walkover.
Current Season
(a) Standings (see above), Bonus balls for the teams holding the best overall records (2 for the best overall, 1.5 for 2nd and 3rd overall, 1 for 4th and 5th, 0.5 for 6th-8th, 0.5 for every just-promoted team not in danger of demotion (5th or better).
(b) W / L record (100 % 5, and so on... see also W / L last season).
(c) Seasons prediction. If you are within your seasons prediction, you get 3-5 balls, depending on how good within the prediction you are (better place is always the better balls). If you overachieve your prediction by one category, you get a max of 4 balls. If you underachieve your prediction you end up between 1-3 balls. If you completely miss your prediction pretty much everything m
Last edited by LA-seelenjaeger at 1/29/2012 4:15:04 AM
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