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Suggestions > I want my X to play defense as Y

I want my X to play defense as Y

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Date: 2/1/2012 3:59:41 PM
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This section of the orders interface could be expanded to give some of the finer defensive control that a review of recent suggestions threads seems to have demand for.

One thing that I think would be useful is to have the options available change based on the selected tactic. For example, M2M may still have specific position options, while a box and one may have the "and 1" guy, plus the four corners of the box, a 3-2 can allow you to specify which guy is where, etc. For the zones, we can probably do most of that now by just picking the right position to correspond, but if you have a couple of similar players but want one of them to be the extra matchup guy, there's no way around that.

A slightly more ambitious suggestion would be allowing us to pick specific players to guard in the m2m defense, rather than just position. If you're playing an opponent who has one strong shooter, for example, and the opponent moves the shooter around in the lineup, there's no way to ensure that your desired defender is guarding him. If I thought there was any chance of this happening any time soon, I'd probably work out the fallback scenarios and how the other positions would be affected.

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207908.2 in reply to 207908.1
Date: 2/2/2012 7:05:13 PM
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I like the idea of setting up a player to guard another specific player on the court. Trying to outsmart your opponent by moving a player to a different position seems kind of dumb.

The coding for this would probably be a little more complex than one would expect because you have to account for when your player or their player is benched. Plus your coach would also have to readjust the rest of your line-up to account for your PF guarding their PG or whatever weird situation could arise. If the coding for this is done poorly some huge match-up/balance issues could arise but if it is done well it could be a good addition to the game.

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207908.3 in reply to 207908.2
Date: 2/3/2012 2:36:39 PM
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I like the idea of setting up a player to guard another specific player on the court. Trying to outsmart your opponent by moving a player to a different position seems kind of dumb.

The coding for this would probably be a little more complex than one would expect because you have to account for when your player or their player is benched. Plus your coach would also have to readjust the rest of your line-up to account for your PF guarding their PG or whatever weird situation could arise. If the coding for this is done poorly some huge match-up/balance issues could arise but if it is done well it could be a good addition to the game.

Yeah, it would involve a lot of things. If you pick a player for your SG to guard, all your SGs will have to guard whatever position that player has gone into - and if multiple player selections were allowed, it'd have the difficulty where you might assign your PG to guard player A, and your SG to guard player B, but A and B are lined up in the same position. Handling the scenario where a guy ends up playing multiple positions is iffy as well.

If nothing else, though, it's an idea that I think at least merits the thought, whether it eventually gets targeted for implementation or not.

From: HAHA

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207908.4 in reply to 207908.3
Date: 1/2/2021 4:18:33 AM
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Nice idea, it can be done by having a list of opponent players, so BB managers can select who to defend.

How about if you selected a player to guard SG, but the opponent benched that SG, who should that player guard in such situation?

From: Bro_Khen

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207908.5 in reply to 207908.4
Date: 1/2/2021 11:27:46 PM
Team Payabang
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other than the already discussed setup above... it would be great if there could also be additional drop-down list settings if ever his Man is not in the court (just like the row in Tactics setting we have as [Backup and Reserve] )...

2nd option
-Best Position [-Select-/PG/SG/SF/PF/C] = he will guard the highest ranking Man by the Opponent's Best Position Ranking that you have listed...
-Let the Coach Match it according to Best Position in the court/Let the Coach Decide =(the GE will rank all the remaining un-manned players according to the Main (Man vs Man) Tactic list according to best Positions they have... and match with it accordingly...)
3nd option
-Best Position [-Select-/PG/SG/SF/PF/C] = an alternate position that he will guard... the highest ranking Man by the Opponent's Best Position Ranking that you have listed...
-Let the Coach Match it according to Best Position in the court/Let the Coach Decide =(the GE will rank all the remaining un-manned players according to the Main (Man vs Man) and 2nd option list if there's any according to best Positions they have... and match with it accordingly...)

and only after assigning the players Prioritizing the Main (Man vs Man) tactic, then second and then third... the GE will then ]rank all the remaining un-manned players according to best Positions they have... and match with it accordingly to the remaining defenders)

or something like this screen shot:

Last edited by Bro_Khen at 1/3/2021 11:21:44 PM