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Suggestions > Community hall of fame

Community hall of fame

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Date: 3/8/2012 5:48:03 AM
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Hi all,

I personally find it disturbing that managers who have contribuated alot to the Community (be it in their own respective nation or BB community in it's whole) are not really recognized for their passed efforts. And by that, i'm not meaning that you should reward them with some cash, or whatever. However, their should be a sort of tribiute to the managers who have done alot of the BB ( or their nations) community. A sort of Hall of Fame, to honor them so that everybody can see who the great managers were and what they have done for the community.

The reason why i'm bringing this up, is that in the very near futur, a belgian manager will be quitting the game ( he has announced it that this would be his last season) and altho i strongly dislike the idea of him leaving BB, i would like to see a way of recognizing him ( allong with other great managers) for what they've done for the community. He has done an enormous ammount of for us and altho not everyone gets allong with him, he is respected by everyone for what he has done for our commmunity ( the belgian community in particular). Thus, if possible, i'd like to see some kind of hall of fame, in which managers can be 'elected' to, for their past contributions to the community.

I'm pretty sure that almost every nation has had one ( or more) guy's who have been working hard for the community, each in their respective way's, and their should be some kind of way to reward those managers for their efforts ( and it might also encourage other managers to make (more) contributions to a nations community or BB's overal community).

As for the position where people should be able to view this 'Hall of Fame', their would be several spots. Maybe a link on the Nations overview, or a link to it in the dropdown menu of the nation. a Link to that page might be able to be inserted under the National forums sneak peak or so.

As for the methode for electing people to that C-HoF, i've come up with this suggestion (might still need some tweaks):
*) his name should be submitted by atleast 2^n other managers, where n would stand for the ammount of divisions in that country (so if their are 5 divisions, the name should have been submitted by atleast 32 people for consideration).
*) person should have atleast have completed 11 seasons on BB (which is the equivalent of 3 years in RL more or less)
*) before being admitted to that hall of fame, the oldest GM of that Nation should approve his nomination (or the second oldest if the nomination is for the oldest one, and if they don't have that, a GM from a neighbouring community with a simular language or so)
*) a manager can only submit one name every 2 seasons.
*) only one candidate can be admitted to the Hall of fame every 2 seasons ( Oldest GM of the nation should have the last say concerning that. This is to prevent popular managers from having a ton of people putting up their name, just to get their name on that Hall of fame board, which could very well happen in the very large communities... Also, if the GM doesn't deem anyone worthy, then nobody should be added to that Hall of Fame. That to prevent the GM from forcefully having to chose between several popular managers who rallied their friends to submit their names...)

i'm fully aware that most likely some more conditions should be put up, but i've put up these 5 keeping in mind that the smaller nations should be able to get people into that 'hall of fame' aswell.

Anyhow, it's just an idea to honor the managers who have worked hard for the BB community, be it the global one, or their own Nation one.

Would love to hear your replies about this idea.


ps: i'm fully aware that extremely popular managers could end up kinda end up forcing theri way in their, that is why the GM's of that nation should have the final say about it. But the main idea is to pay homage to those who have truely made great contributions to our community