Your enthusiasm changes after every game you play. Every season i believe you start with 7 enthusiasm. Enthusiasm changes according to how much effort you put into your games. For instance if yo play normal every game you enthusiasm will remain at 7. If you TIE for a few games then your enthusiasm will rise and if you CT a few games then your enthusiasm will go down and your team wont play as well. Right now you seem to be CT a lot of games where you don't need to so your enthusiasm is really low (3) and you should look at TIE for a few games. You should only CT for games that are very important or you think you might lose unless you CT. For instance my team is the best in the league so i tend to TIE every game except against 2 or 3 teams. This is because when i TIE my enthusiasm rises and i play better. You should look at doing the same and not CT every game

And i dunno what your looking at because it shows in the bracket that you play the number one seed in the first round of the playoffs... The Big 8 and Great 8 are just like the Eastern and Western conferences in the NBA. You play more teams from your own conference, and you only play playoff games against your side until the championship just like the NBA. Hope this helped.
Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs