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From: kpd
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Date: 5/8/2012 12:02:57 AM
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I have a matchup against this team (33144) and I have the HCA but his team is stronger then mine.... I could try to win this but that will mess up my training for this week, so what my question is that do you guys think I have any chance of beating this guy? My gameshape isn't that great but i can fix that for game 2 and 3 by training GS

From: SN13

To: kpd
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215864.2 in reply to 215864.1
Date: 5/8/2012 1:35:25 AM
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In my opinion, take it easy game 1 so he thinks either you're not trying or just for the enthusiasm, then go all out game 2 and 3.

Also, if you don't think you can beat him, play Princeton, because it has a decreased pace, which means the game will go slower, =less points = smaller point differential = Possible comeback at the end.

I'm, not so sure about what defense to play because I'm simply too lazy to find that out for you. Someone else may be able to help you with that.

From: CoachSK

To: SN13
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215864.3 in reply to 215864.2
Date: 5/8/2012 3:36:10 PM
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By Princeton do you mean Patient?
And I would CT first game since you have HCA and actually have a chance to win, go normal second game since you probably wont beat him away and to build up enth, and go CT last game to finish him off.

From: SN13

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215864.4 in reply to 215864.3
Date: 5/8/2012 6:57:41 PM
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Actually, I meant Princeton, but just now looking at his outside defense compared to his inside, I think you should go low Post. His outside defense is extreeemmmelly good.


From: kpd

To: SN13
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215864.5 in reply to 215864.4
Date: 5/9/2012 2:58:31 AM
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Dude i won that game with princeton... thanks a lot... my sg had 51 points, he kinda tanked thou played FCP and Push the ball and only playoff normal...... so now hes going to play normal in game 2 and then game 3 hes going CT so will low post work better or princeton again thanks again

From: SN13

To: kpd
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215864.6 in reply to 215864.5
Date: 5/9/2012 5:32:24 AM
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Go easy in Game 2, make him work for the win, hopefully he won't tank, because game 3 is the very next day, so then he's minutes will be screwed, which may lead to injuries in game 3. So you tank it as well, play your starters subs, or don;t play your starters at all and go playoff normal.

Hopefully he won't tank so he doesn't risk losing the finals, just play Low Post to mess with their defense so he doesn't know what you're doing in Game 3.

Ummm, anything else I forgot?

Yeah well, hope for injuries, and hope he doesn't tank, make sure your game shape goes up, even if it means training it, as long as it doesn't go down.

Regarding defense, play something that will guard his guards very well, they probably make up about 70 of his average 97 points. So make sure you guard his PG, SG and SF VERY well. If you need to, change your defensive matchups - But in GAME 3.

That's really all the advice I have for you.

Oh and I'm not so good with perimeter defenses, so I suggest you go to the game manual and read about the different defenses yourself.

This Post:
215864.7 in reply to 215864.6
Date: 5/9/2012 9:51:12 AM
Aussie Pride
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Not sure what you mean by 'his minutes will screwed'. GS would be the same for both Games 2 and 3. Players could play whatever minutes they like in Game 2 and it wouldn't affect Game 3.

From: kpd

To: SN13
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215864.8 in reply to 215864.6
Date: 5/10/2012 12:57:01 AM
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Allright sounds good, i will probably go with m2m and low post my sf and sg are great at defense the only problem is my pg but i think it will be fine

This Post:
215864.9 in reply to 215864.7
Date: 5/10/2012 1:28:39 AM
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I mean, because when players play too many minutes, they are more vulnerable to injuries, so plus the fact that he would be playing Playoff Crunch, I'd imagine he'd play his starters in both G2 and G3, which means a higher chance of injury.

From: raynovo88

To: SN13
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215864.10 in reply to 215864.9
Date: 5/10/2012 5:14:07 PM
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the funny thing about this is that your opponent has a thread open also on how he chose the wrong tactics and what he needs to do to beat you.

From: BuzzyG

To: SN13
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215864.11 in reply to 215864.4
Date: 5/10/2012 6:15:50 PM
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His outside defense is extreeemmmelly good.

My ID is about as good as well though. :)

@kpd I dont remember where I said was playing normal on Saturday, although now with me posting here, I have absolutely NO clue what you will play. Will you listen to what people have said here expecting me to think that you will? Or will you completely switch it up to try and catch me off guard? I dont know, just the way I like it :)

@raynovo88 I wasnt asking for help to beat Pangaa(although I probably should have as im not in the best position anymore), I was asking what to do to make a Full Court Press work.

I kind of wish I had seen this thread earlier, I would have played 3-2 in the first game :P

Anyways, kpd, this series really excites me, I can't wait to see what happens next and who gets to promote.

Although a part of me wants to stay in division III and keep on tampering with tactics and trying to build a roster that doesn't need LI(even in the higher divisions) or that can play FCP(effectively at higher divisions as well). Although promoting couldn't hurt ;)