Apologies for writing in English in your German forum: I do know it's not inside rules, but I have a good reason to force it. In fact, I don't speak German, but I want to share with all your community my genuine appreciation for the fair play of your current coach Acajou.
When we met in our decisive match in S18, Italy player's gameshape fell down. The only player with 9.0 in gameshape was Evangelisti, owned and trained by Acajou. Not enough to win, unfortunately, but training him well for the whole season, keeping him in a better shape than other Italian trainers makes honours to him.
He demonstrated to be a great coach bringing Schweiz to best-ever result, and to be a fierce, fair opponent.
I hope we will have opportunity to cross our roads again.
PS if anybody wants to translate this in English, send copy to me and I will translate this post in German.