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USA - V.106 > Five HorseMen

Five HorseMen

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From: Yokimbo
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Date: 5/17/2012 1:47:47 AM
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Now that baller4231 is out of the leage this year is a shoe in

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217713.2 in reply to 217713.1
Date: 5/18/2012 10:39:31 PM
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I'd say you're right. We're the only 2 human run teams in the league, and you're much better than I am.

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217713.3 in reply to 217713.2
Date: 5/19/2012 6:47:40 AM
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We should scrimmage so that we can finaly tune our teams and see what works better in a controled situation If you want you can go first and tell me how you want my team set up in what formation and you can set your team to try and see how it works best. Id suggest we both go with the base offense and defense and try our players at different positions

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217713.4 in reply to 217713.3
Date: 5/24/2012 11:42:25 AM
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That's fine with me. Once we're both out the Tourney, we can get something started.