You gotta fill all the fields. Let's say you want to search for best draftees from season 19, so you do:
Country ID: 1 - 1 (in USA only, take into account that at this moment many has already left to play in other countries)
Division: 1 - 5 (in USA there's 6, but I assume there are botTeams only)
Age: 18 - 18
Potential: 6 - 11 (6 is allstar, 11 legend)
Salary: 0 - 10000
DMI: 0 - 999999 (just after draft all draftees have DMI = 0, so its easy to search them, but once they get training this is useless, so if you set 0 - 0 you might get no results)
Player Country ID: the ID of USA is 1, and you are searching for American players, so 1
Search botTeams: shall it search in teams that are bots?
Last edited by RSX at 5/20/2012 9:35:41 PM