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Arena Expand Strategy

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Date: 6/2/2012 10:46:20 AM
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Hi, I'm about to expand my arena today (after today's match attendance), it may be the last sensible expand of the season (at least as long as I remain in the national tournament) so I want to invest the money with the maximum efficiency, probably I will have around 190'000$ to 200'000$ and I would like to spend all of them on my Arena , but here come the issues.

That's my Arena:

Bleachers : 9060 (Current Price: $9) (Price as of 12/06/2012: $9)
Lower Tier : 1400 (Current Price: $28) (Price as of 12/06/2012: $28)
Courtside Seats : 300 (Current Price: $81) (Price as of 12/06/2012: $81)
Luxury Boxes : 8 (Current Price: $900) (Price as of 12/06/2012: $880)
Total Capacity 10768

Both bleachers and lower tier I think that have reached the cap, because even if I expand the bleachers to 10'000 seats or the lower tier to 1'670 seats, for fuel them I have to reduce sensibly the prices and I calculated that I may even gain less than I do now with higher prices and less seats, therefore If choose to expand one of those sectors the new seats won't be effective in this season but the would be in the next with the boost effect if I get promoted in III division.
On the other hand both courtside seats and luxury boxes they still have a bit of margin since that I usually do almost sold-out even if come from a lost match ( never come so far to play at home from a won match lol, today will be the first time),so I don't know whether to increase courtside to 400 or luxury to 20 or something in the middle like 350-14, but the point is that they will be effective already from now.

So at the end is worth to build some extra seats for the future or build seats that they will be bringing some extra money now?

Last edited by Tu®ne® at 6/2/2012 10:57:56 AM

From: Texas

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219335.2 in reply to 219335.1
Date: 6/2/2012 11:13:19 AM
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In my opinion, your stadium has room for improvement on everything. I only say this because I have a goal on what my stadium should be at before I promote to D.III.

This is what I want:

10K Bleachers
3K Lower Tier
500 Courtside
20-25 Luxury

Draw from that what you want but just know you still have the rest of the season to expand it all. As for right now though, you probably will only be able to afford 960 Bleachers or 100 Lower Tier since you'll only have 200K.

From: Tu®ne®

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219335.3 in reply to 219335.2
Date: 6/2/2012 2:12:44 PM
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Ok, I have to review my statement because I have done sold-out on the bleachers something that was totally unexpected, coming from a victory when you play at home makes a huge different in terms of attendance consequently I think that I ought to expand the bleachers sector to 10'000 seats.

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219335.4 in reply to 219335.1
Date: 6/2/2012 7:53:50 PM
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Looks like you've already started. The thing I would suggest is to keep in mind that luxury boxes and courtside seats are ones that are most likely to be consistent for you - if you find the right price, you'll be able to rely on selling a regular number of them most of the time. Bleachers and lower tier are more dependent on winning -- if you're going to be winning, and especially if you promote and get to leverage a promotion bonus, those seats can really be profitable. In any case, keep putting money in your arena when you can, and it'll pay off for you in the long run. Good luck!

From: Texas

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219335.5 in reply to 219335.3
Date: 6/3/2012 2:27:22 AM
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hrudley gave some good advice there brother but all in all expanding your Arena any section is a plus, period. Nice win and good luck to you for the rest of the season.