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Suggestions > Suggestion to help decrease the rent-a-player phenomenon

Suggestion to help decrease the rent-a-player phenomenon

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From: CoachSK

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219495.2 in reply to 219495.1
Date: 6/4/2012 10:01:37 PM
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From what I understood you said 1% of Merchandise, maybe 1% (or whatever the amount will be) of players salary can work too?

Last edited by CoachSK at 6/4/2012 10:02:11 PM

From: Kukoc

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219495.3 in reply to 219495.1
Date: 6/5/2012 12:31:38 AM
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This would favor older teams heavily. Promoter will usually have to acquire new players as the competition level is higher than his current team. Older teams can sit on their developed players and prolly might make 1-2 changes in a season, if even that. I don't think we need to favor stagnation. Breaking something else, while fixing something should not be the goal.

From: Axis123

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219495.5 in reply to 219495.3
Date: 6/11/2012 7:38:16 AM
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It doesn't have to favour older players if it's done over a shorter amount of time.

Perhaps, instead of a salary increase, a "team chemistry" increase for players who play on the same team for x number of weeks (x to be discussed). When the player joins the team, he has a range of -4 to -2 on his stats (similar to bad GS), then after ever week, he grows slightly until he becomes a random figure between +7 to +9 on his stats.

Maybe it doesn't have to be so pronounced.. Just a thought.


From: Kukoc

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219495.6 in reply to 219495.5
Date: 6/11/2012 8:51:00 AM
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I think you as a supporter should run a chemistry search in suggestions. See the pros and cons before creating another thread.

From: Axis123

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219495.8 in reply to 219495.6
Date: 6/11/2012 9:01:02 AM
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Good call. Apologies again.