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Superior trainer--getting no pops!

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From: Wedge
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Date: 6/8/2012 5:07:13 PM
Mila Saints
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Western Warriors
I have been training 3 young guards in JS the past two weeks with a newly acquired superior trainer and I've gotten absolutely no pops at all in anything! One of the guards is 19 years old with an inept rating in JS and at least a respectable rating in all the other guard skills. How are your players suppose to get better!! is the ****** training even working properly! I would appreciate your thoughts on whether you think I'm just too impatient, or if you think something is amiss. Thanks!

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219782.5 in reply to 219782.1
Date: 6/8/2012 5:28:28 PM
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Try and train 18 year olds while you can, by 21-22 they slow down a lot.

Also, the difference between a basic trainer (cheap) and a superior one (expensive) isn't that much. My guess is about 25%. Since you're new, I wouldn't get higher than an advanced trainer. That superior guy must be eating up a ton of your weekly expenses and when you're in a lower division, you can't really afford that.

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219782.6 in reply to 219782.5
Date: 6/8/2012 9:17:26 PM
Mila Saints
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Western Warriors
Okay! Thanks guys! Sounds like the bottom line is that I'm too impatient, and I shouldn't expect so much from a trainer who is suppose to be good!