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Suggestions > Contracts instead of Transfers

Contracts instead of Transfers

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From: Axis123
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Date: 6/12/2012 8:58:29 AM
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I know this is massive, but how good would it be to sign contracts instead of buy players from one another? Sooooo much more realistic!!

To keep a similar aspect to the transfer concept, there could be a signup fee. Whoever was willing to pay the largest signup fee would get the player.

Each player would set his desired contract length, depending on a few points (age, interest level etc.).

A player's salary would be based on his statistics.

Poll:  Choose one!

Normal transfers
New idea altogether

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219996.3 in reply to 219996.2
Date: 6/12/2012 9:26:04 AM
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If it's going to be similar to transfers, why is it necessary?

If it was done in a way that penalised a manager for breaking a contract, it would mean less transfers and more importance on strategy.

One of the things that I love about this game, and I truly do love it, is outsmarting my opponents, even if my team isn't as statistically strong as theirs. There needs to be more opportunity for this and less emphasis on finding the "little cheats" of the game.

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219996.5 in reply to 219996.4
Date: 6/12/2012 9:35:34 AM
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Over 500k profit on this player.

If he was on a contract, I would be severely penalised for breaking that contract. I am more likely to keep him and use my strategic thinking to win, instead of making profit on transfers.

Perhaps, also, contracts should only be able to be broken at particular times (off season, just before trade deadline).

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219996.6 in reply to 219996.1
Date: 6/12/2012 9:37:33 AM
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long term contract are very hard here cause of the quick improvement you can get with training, also i wouldn't find it much strateic when you couldn't keep your player build, since you constantly get outbid by other managers as soon as there contracts ends.

Also those constant buy out, would go to a lot player movements and revealed skills.

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219996.8 in reply to 219996.6
Date: 6/12/2012 9:46:42 AM
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The training would be included in the initial price of the contract.

I don't see a problem with knowing your opponent's skills. If you're in any league, you can watch a tape of their game(s) and learn their skills quite quickly. It's unrealistic not to know their skills.

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219996.9 in reply to 219996.7
Date: 6/12/2012 9:49:08 AM
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Yeah, I see what you're saying.

Perhaps if the fan survey was adjusted to incorporate broken contracts. I know it happens now but I think with contracts it could be done more severely, with justification. Which fan wants to go and watch their city take on another city, when they don't even know who will be playing that night?

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219996.11 in reply to 219996.10
Date: 6/12/2012 9:55:25 AM
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It's interesting that you make out as though I am affected by confirmation bias, but you deny your own.

A constant rotation of players in and out of the team will affect the fans more than this one part of the fan survey. At the beginning, maybe, they might get over it. After a while, not many will come to the games. I see your point that the fan survey is trying to address this. Now, see my point that it fails or, at most, falls very short.