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Arena Expansion

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From: Col1:13
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Date: 6/14/2012 12:57:27 PM
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Is it better to add more cheaper seats or more expensive ones? Say I wanted to spend $500,000 on an expansion, generally what is better?

From: Col1:13

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220122.3 in reply to 220122.2
Date: 6/14/2012 1:55:24 PM
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Don't they sell better at the more expensive seats? Would it be worth building the more expensive ones faster in comparison to the other ones?

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220122.4 in reply to 220122.3
Date: 6/14/2012 2:24:39 PM
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With your country being a small one, I can't say exactly what you need, but I will try :)

You probably want to start with your bleachers, as this will be the biggest part of your arena. When you promote, you might want to have your whole arena at ~15k, though the smallest arena in the D1 of your country is 8.2k, who of course is the 8th place team. The highest one is 20.55k, if I remember correctly. For long term, you might want your arena like this:

Bleachers: 15k

Lower Tier: 3k (I think this is the limit)

Courtside: 500 (this is the limit)

Luxury Boxes: 50 (this is the limit)

Good luck on BB!

From: Col1:13
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220122.6 in reply to 220122.5
Date: 6/14/2012 2:31:50 PM
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Thanks a ton Manon and Big_Dog