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How do I use the forums? (thread closed)

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Date: 6/17/2012 10:55:50 PM
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How do I weed through the forums to avoid the moronic banter of the bored and friendless masses, avoid the cluttered garbage of the less than one season under their belts help givers, and find something worth reading?

I have friends that swear that they have fun reading and posting on the USA forums but every post seems to be someone asking a question that has previously answered in the manual or some self involved newspaper where each post is less interesting than facebook posts out walking the dog.

Maybe I just need to suffer through all of this foolishness until I become more capable of searching for those interesting and funny nuggets of information. But that sounds like a terrible plan. Help!

From: tough

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220333.3 in reply to 220333.1
Date: 6/18/2012 12:20:32 AM
Mountain Eagles
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Second Team:
Ric Flair Drippers
some self involved newspaper

So you're saying these newspapers is like, annoying posts?

Like these;
The Eagle
The Laser Limelight
Otherland Oracule
Pitbull Press

Am I right?

3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
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220333.4 in reply to 220333.1
Date: 6/18/2012 6:36:14 AM
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How about you come join the USA offsite forum? There's a good community of managers there, and though we talk about NT and U21 teams a good deal, there are also many helpful suggestions, tactics, tips, discussion for managers at all levels. Plus there's some excellent tools for use to help you analyze your team and opponents.

Go here:
and register.

Then send mod-jfarb ((28800)) a BBMail to tell him the email you used to register. He can approve your account at the offsite.

Next, post a welcome message! :)

From: Chekreyes

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220333.5 in reply to 220333.3
Date: 6/18/2012 2:30:42 PM
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He´s saying that these aren´t the types of threads that he is looking for.

Many users would rather read about the debate of SB or a solution to tanking or other such topics rather than the diary of one team and said teams many friends. Not an insult, just a wish to read something else.

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220333.8 in reply to 220333.1
Date: 6/19/2012 8:00:52 PM
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How do I weed through the forums to avoid the moronic banter of the bored and friendless masses, avoid the cluttered garbage of the less than one season under their belts help givers, and find something worth reading?

I have friends that swear that they have fun reading and posting on the USA forums but every post seems to be someone asking a question that has previously answered in the manual or some self involved newspaper where each post is less interesting than facebook posts out walking the dog.

Maybe I just need to suffer through all of this foolishness until I become more capable of searching for those interesting and funny nuggets of information. But that sounds like a terrible plan. Help!

There's a thread about a feature to block/restrict posts you see on suggestions... if you used your supporter, or took time to read through stuff, you can find it quite easily.

Last edited by LBJisaCancer at 6/19/2012 8:01:08 PM

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