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Guards with high JS, low JR

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From: w_alloy
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Date: 6/22/2012 7:22:56 PM
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It's no secret that guards with a large gap between their jump shot and jump range skills sell for less on the transfer list. When (if ever) are these players worth buying? What type of teams do they excel on? Is the large discount they usually receive relative to more balanced guards justified?

My main motivation for asking this is that my guard rotation for a while now has been 3 players with ~13k salaries who have skills close to the line between PG and SG. Two of the players have a gap of 2 between their JS and JR, while the third has a gap of 5 (13 JS, 8 JR). The player with the larger gap has been far outperforming the other two this season with excellent efficiency numbers. I almost always use base offense. Anyone else have a similar experience?

From: E.B.W.

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220630.2 in reply to 220630.1
Date: 6/22/2012 8:24:20 PM
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It mainly depends on which tactics people run as to what kind of guards they buy. People who play look inside tend to buy guards that don't have as high jump range because they simply don't need it. However I tend to play motion/base offense so i like to have equal jump shot and jump range so my guys can hit threes. Of course it's not completely mandatory but it is useful if you have it while playing outside oriented offenses IMO.

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
From: CoachSK

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220630.3 in reply to 220630.1
Date: 6/22/2012 9:50:22 PM
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So you can get a point of view from two people (E.B.W and me) who play different tactics. Like E.B.W said, people who tend to play inside tactics like I do JR isn't necessary. I just look for someone with good JS and JR is usually half or 75% of the JS.

From: w_alloy

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220630.4 in reply to 220630.2
Date: 6/22/2012 10:03:09 PM
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Thanks for the replies. So then you would consider JR quite important on a team that uses the base offense? I am replacing my old guards (youngest age: 32) and want more information in knowing how to weigh the balance of JS/JR in looking for players to buy.

Hypothetical: On a team that uses the base offense and has balanced offensive weapons, would you value a player with 13 JS 12 JR over a player with 15 JS 10 JR? If so, would you be willing to pay 150% more for that player?

Last edited by w_alloy at 6/22/2012 10:07:21 PM

From: E.B.W.

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220630.5 in reply to 220630.4
Date: 6/22/2012 10:18:22 PM
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150%? probably not but i would pay maybe 115%-125% but that's just me. Other people will probably disagree.

Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs
From: Bballin
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220630.6 in reply to 220630.3
Date: 6/22/2012 11:34:01 PM
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Training wise I am training superstar LI PG. I do not want his JR past 10, but his JS is going to be around 16 or 17. When he is 21, his JR will probably be 8 or 9.

LI PGs I look fo 9-11 JR and for SGs I usually look for around 11-13.

Personally I dislike JR, because it seems to bring a really high salary boost without enough improvement in gameplay.

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220630.8 in reply to 220630.7
Date: 6/23/2012 3:21:10 AM
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If I was looking for a guard that was going to shoot well from the 3p line I even could look for a guard with higher Jr then js. I had a player like that before (10/12 js/Jr) and he had way better 3p % then a guard with similar skills but js/jr the other way.

I have a guy with 9/11 and he KILLS it from 3pt.
22-56 in league games. (39%) 2nd in league and 2nd in league in 3pm #3 in 3pa

From: Gragamel

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220630.10 in reply to 220630.5
Date: 6/23/2012 5:32:26 AM
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In spain everyone agrees. 15JS and 10JR is much better than 13JS and 12JR. Not only because LI is an overpowered tactic, but alsow because a 15JS 10JR player will score more three points than the other one and cost less salary.

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220630.11 in reply to 220630.10
Date: 6/23/2012 7:01:56 AM
Headless Thompson Gunners
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Second Team:
Canada Purple Haze BC
I have a 15/11 and a 13/12 SG
Played mostly Low Lost and of course wh o they've played against matters..

32.5 Minutes Per Game
14.0 points
.495 FG PCT .312 3 PT Pct

28 MPG
16.0 ppg
.464 FG Pct and .550 3 pt Pct