Thanks for the detailed response.
Doctor: I kind of agree with you on the doctor, but if you're a trainer who's trying to train a world-class player, you can't really afford for him to miss any weeks with injury. So even though the chances are likely that he won't actually ever get injured, for a really committed trainer it's not a risk he's usually willing to take. Here's the decision he has to make: is it worth paying let's say $10K per week for a competent trainer, or would I rather not, knowing that if my player gets injured, it could derail his chances?
That's a valid point, but I think it is a mistake for basically all DV teams and most DIV to be attempting to train world class players. If you are experienced enough to make a killing raising these players then more power to you, but this post isn't really targeted to you. If you are not planning to sell the player, then his salary is probably going to grow too fast for your team. I know having your best trainee hurt can be a really annoying as I had a 3 week injury to mine earlier this season, but even with this major bad luck I think the cost of the doctor for the last 2 seasons would have been more than his value lost (i just sold him for 700k, bought him for 100k 5 months ago).
That's interesting; you could very well be right. Would love to hear more opinions on this.
Trainer: maybe for you this works. However, if you're trying to train a NT player, you'll obviously need as many pops as possible and you'll pay whatever you can reasonably afford to maximize those pops.
I don't think it's worth it for managers in D4 or D5 to be trying to train NT players, as it wraps up too much of your total value and salary in one player.
Also, you might think no single pop is worth $50K on the transfer market, which is debatable. In any case, put a few pops together and you'll find that you've greatly increased your player's value.
I don't believe no single pop is worth 50k on the transfer market. I said that for most teams in DIV and DV most pops on trainees are not worth 50k. A quick way to measure this is, if you are getting 24 pops per season, are you making 1.2m in added value per season? If so, than more power to you, but I don't think these results are typical of DIV teams.
And if you pay $180K per season for your trainer, that's a bargain.My trainees definitely increase in value by more than that with a full season of training.
Ya, I intentionally used lower numbers so that people couldn't argue them. And my tainees increase in value by more than that as well (with atrocious).
Also, for me at least, if you're not at least making a reasonable attempt to cultivate a pipeline of young talent then you're missing out on at least half the fun in this game.
You can easily do this with atrocious too. In fact your player will probably get too good for your team in either case if you keep him a while (if you are in DIV), in which case it would probably be best to sell him.
Summary: I remain convinced that atrocious trainers are best for most D4 and D5 teams, even if they care a lot about training.
Last edited by w_alloy at 7/10/2012 3:50:07 AM