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Look Inside Offense (thread closed)

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From: Leeroy
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Date: 8/14/2012 6:03:05 AM
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Can anyone please overview this game for me? I have a 500k roster, HCA, more enthusiasm, better game shape AND injured his best player in the game and I still lose. Seems like I can't beat Look Inside no matter what I do, this offense is surely bugged. He should have had 8 enthusiasm for this game and I had 10 including HCA, I beat him at every position but the C who happens to be injured in the game. Yet I lose by 12 points?

This is ridiculous.

From: Foto

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223562.2 in reply to 223562.1
Date: 8/14/2012 8:06:16 AM
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Second Team:
Sorry, but the right place is not the bugs forum, but this thread: (152631.1)
Anyway, you haven't lost because of your defense, but because of your offense.