if you want to make him a centre which will last you a long time (and one that you can afford) you will need to consider how you train him carefully.
Perhaps a good way to go would be to train some of his outside skills a little bit (im thinking passing and jump shot in particular) and when you get the hang of that and give him some pops there, switch to inside training where you increase his inside shot, and inside defence up to that of rebounding, then increase them all at a similar rate. No need to train shotblocking separately as this will increase a bit with the other skills anyway.
And if youre not sure how to "efficiently" train players (give 3 players 48+ minutes a week at their training position) or what this sentence even means then you should definitely check the various help threads there are for training. Really worth reading and you will get a lot more out of your players.
Generally speaking you can get around 10 pops a season out of a young player like this. Sometimes more sometimes less depending the skills you try to train, his height, how successful you are at giving them 48 mins a week in the right position... etc
trainer level is a factor but these other things are bigger influences
also check the transfer market for other superstar potential centres to see how high their salaries can go if you keep training them. then work out if you want/can afford such a player in 2,3 or 4 seasons down the road.
sometimes it pays to train a player up to the salary level you want for your team, rather than their maximum potential if you cant afford it
have fun