7-8. Ouch.
That would take a while, but he has MVP potential, so wont hit his soft cap (I still barely know how potential works

:D), and it is pretty low compared to the other stats that are being trained.
Correct me if I am wrong (as I am not 100% sure about this, but it would make sense from my experiences), but if a player has low IS, and you train Inside Shooting, which (I think) trains inside shot at (for example) 1-2 weeks, and ID at 4-5 weeks and RBD at 4-5 weeks (random numbers lol), then they would train IS at like, 110% of the speed that it should, and the others at 90%?
I know those figures are probably complete rubbish, but I read something about an elastic band effect or something, which gets lower skills to catch up with the higher ones when training a few stats at a time.
So if that is correct, then he shouldn't take too long at all as his other inside skills are quite a bit higher than his IS.