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Training ideas

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From: galla
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Date: 10/24/2012 11:41:51 AM
Triximos Tricks
Overall Posts Rated:

I am not quite sure what I should train that would be beneficial for both my SG and SF (As they are my main focuses right now).

The SG is currently this:

Jump Shot: sensational Jump Range: tremendous
Outside Def.: prolific Handling: prominent
Driving: prominent Passing: strong
Inside Shot: atrocious Inside Def.: average
Rebounding: respectable Shot Blocking: average
Stamina: inept Free Throw: proficient

And the SF currently is:

Jump Shot: prolific Jump Range: average
Outside Def.: proficient Handling: prominent
Driving: proficient Passing: prominent
Inside Shot: prominent Inside Def.: prominent ↑
Rebounding: proficient Shot Blocking: awful
Stamina: pitiful Free Throw: strong

(the ID pop was just a bonus from training pressure, which I am focusing on now for maybe 1-2 more weeks).

I do not really want to train any inside skills, as I have pretty good inside players as it is, and want to focus on getting my SG good with this guy getting some training also.

Currently I think it would be a good idea to get the OD up a bit on my SG, maybe just to sensational for now (should take 1 more week, maybe 2. The SF should pop also).

I am not sure what to do after that. Whether I should go onto some One on Ones for them to get a bit more balanced with their stats. Or to just do more outside shooting?

Any pointers would be good,


If I train OD I would train just PG's and have my main PG being trained also (He is pretty much capped in training, but will get some boost)

If I train any outside shooting I would SG's and train my backup SG who is 10/11 JS/JR

And with One on Ones I would train these two, my PG, my backup SG and backup PG and use the last position in my friendly for making up any missed minutes for these guys.

So basically, I will make it so these guys train as fast as possible.

Thanks in advance for any help!

From: Wakes

This Post:
228826.2 in reply to 228826.1
Date: 10/24/2012 11:54:52 AM
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May just be personal opinion, but having "atrocious" inside scoring for your SG may really hurt his scoring ability as you play better teams.

From: galla

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228826.3 in reply to 228826.2
Date: 10/24/2012 1:18:53 PM
Triximos Tricks
Overall Posts Rated:
I suppose it would.

Are you just stating that or saying maybe I should do some training that would effect his IS?

Thanks for pointing it out! Still kinda learning lol


From: Wakes

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228826.4 in reply to 228826.3
Date: 10/24/2012 3:35:14 PM
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Puts you at a wee bit of a crossroads. Your SG could really use that IS training to become a more efficient scorer, but your SF certainly needs his outside skills refined. Hard to train both in that way. Might consider selling one, or adapting your offensive scheme to fit both more properly. Complicated because your SF is definitely better in an inside offense, where your SG would struggle, and it's the opposite for an outside-oriented offense.

From: Fresh24

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228826.5 in reply to 228826.1
Date: 10/24/2012 5:25:15 PM
Syndicalists' BC
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I would stick with OD well after your SG gets to sensational. I'd try to get him to wondrous/marvelous if you can. And if the minutes ever end up getting messed up, I'd train JS. These players are looking pretty good though.

From: galla

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228826.6 in reply to 228826.4
Date: 10/24/2012 5:27:50 PM
Triximos Tricks
Overall Posts Rated:
I mainly play inside, I have a good PF and C, with a decent backup PF and a random backup C (strongs and stuff).

My outside players are these two, my other SF (not that good inside skills, mainly outside) and a pretty good PG. The backup PG and SG are mostly prominents all round. With the odd prolific (SG in JS and PG in OD).

As I usually play an inside game, I may give it a go to up the SG's IS which would also benefit the SF, and when he gets a bit better in that I shall move back to concentrating on my outer skills.

To best benefit my players, I suppose I should do something like forwards 1 on 1's as I think that trains IS as well as the upper skills. But that does take 4-5 weeks a pop, so maybe I will train Centres and have my PG playing in my friendly for it, and that way I can slightly improve my PF and get some better inside stats on my SF. So all of his skills would be prominent+ except SB, as I will get his JR up as well later on most likely.

May be a bit weird to train his IS, but if it will help his game, then so be it!


From: FuriousSK

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228826.7 in reply to 228826.6
Date: 10/24/2012 7:15:47 PM
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IS on a guard needs to be roughly 7-8 to be worthwhile. Assuming that the SF is mostly an inside SF in a look inside sort of setup, i don't see a massive need to improve all of his outside skills. Why not just work on IS the remainder of the year? the SG is a year younger to boot, so theres no saying you cant go work on his outside skills a year past what your working on the SF for.

From: galla

This Post:
228826.8 in reply to 228826.5
Date: 10/25/2012 9:44:09 AM
Triximos Tricks
Overall Posts Rated:
Apologies for not replying, I was mid posting my message and didn't notice yours.

I do plan to get his OD to more than Sensational, but it is just that I would mostly go back to it at a later stage after getting it to sensational.

From: galla

This Post:
228826.9 in reply to 228826.7
Date: 10/25/2012 9:49:53 AM
Triximos Tricks
Overall Posts Rated:

7-8. Ouch.

That would take a while, but he has MVP potential, so wont hit his soft cap (I still barely know how potential works:D), and it is pretty low compared to the other stats that are being trained.


Correct me if I am wrong (as I am not 100% sure about this, but it would make sense from my experiences), but if a player has low IS, and you train Inside Shooting, which (I think) trains inside shot at (for example) 1-2 weeks, and ID at 4-5 weeks and RBD at 4-5 weeks (random numbers lol), then they would train IS at like, 110% of the speed that it should, and the others at 90%?

I know those figures are probably complete rubbish, but I read something about an elastic band effect or something, which gets lower skills to catch up with the higher ones when training a few stats at a time.

So if that is correct, then he shouldn't take too long at all as his other inside skills are quite a bit higher than his IS.

From: FuriousSK

This Post:
228826.11 in reply to 228826.9
Date: 10/25/2012 12:55:23 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
7-8 wouldn't take that long even out of position. You have 4 weeks after tomorrow to get two pops. thats not too hard. It'd probably take 1-2 more to get the 3rd pop up to inept. That'll help the SF too. As someone else came in and said, both do need to get better at OD minimum, and driving would also need some help.
Me personally? I might be on the lookout for a PF that can be trained in the outside stuff to become a good SF, and you can likely sell the SF to make up for it. but it is your team, and you've now got a few ideas.