Up 2 you on the draft scouting.
No point in hiring any staff this season. No point in hiring a doctor or Pr guy in D.V pretty much ever, and D.IV is pretty much the same boat.
Arena is probably one of the more important areas for you. Somewhere between 50 and 66% of your total net income over the next season and chance should go towards this.
I would pretty much set my sights immediately on the TL. maybe set a max bid of 30-40k, salaries between 3500-10k, and a max age of 31. If you look daily, chances are likely that there will eventually be an undervalued player on the TL that you can grab.
One thing to keep in mind about the draft and TL as far as prospects go. Most training is based off of single or 2 position training schemes. It's probably counter productive to get young trainees at two completely different positions (PG and C for example). So when you find a trainee in the draft, assuming you do, try and find another comparable talent at a similar position (if it's a PG, anyone who has roughly the same holes and is 6'4" or smaller, doesn't matter where he is listed as some have good secondaries). In other words, if your training one guy, why not take another along for the ride.
Last edited by FuriousSK at 10/26/2012 1:01:53 PM