Howdy all
Some of you may have noticed that I've been more inactive than usual lately. Basically, I've been mostly without internet for the past couple of weeks.
Upon getting my internet back I realised two things:
1) I really didn't miss playing buzzerbeater all that much
2) I need to buy some new players for the upcoming season. It feels more like a chore atm, than something I'm looking forward to.
Given that, I think its time for me to retire from the game gracefully, or at least change the way I play.
Basically, I'm going to give up playing the game to win, though am probably going to become something of an Aussie farm team for now - buy up a couple of Aussie 18yos, a level 7 trainee, and go nuts.
I'll still be somewhat active, in order to make my trainees stars ;). And might still pop into chat every now and then. Who knows, in a couple of seasons I might want to get my new stars up into the ABBL again...
But for now, my team will be going on the market (cept for Gafa, he's a Wombat for life ;)). Hopefully a couple of them stay in Australia, I expect Awang, Yalduz and Laumianskas will generate some interest here.
So with this being my retirement from being a competitive ABBL team for now, I figure I'll be self indulgent and reflect on some of my achievements and records:
20 seasons in the ABBL (a current record, more through luck than anything...)
1 league title
3 cup titles
6 playoff finals appearances
15 playoff semi final appearances (probably a record)
17 playoff appearances (probably a record)
4 cup finals
6 cup semi finals
2 MVP (Gafa and Manfrotto)
Good luck all, and bid up big on my players - remember every cent you spend on them is more I can spend on making the Aussie NT better in the future hopefully!