For example, this team from my league has played apparently 5 consecutive matches in CT (same tactics), and his ratings stay mostly similar, and what is more suprising, he is still very competitive and winning the 5 matches.
(26021)This second team has played 3 matches CT (same tactics) with similar low ratings, but he has won the three matches, even the second one against a top-level team from his league.
(77717)First match: 2+ 3+ 2+ 4- 3 2+ (home)
Second: 3- 3+ 2+ 3 2+ 3- (away)
Third match: 2 4- 3+ 3+ 3- 2 (home)
Playing CT has a strong effect which seems independent of the enthusiasm, so I could play CT with enthusiasm 1 and have a lot of chances of winning.
Logically, one team should not be able to play several consecutive CT without losing most of the competitiveness, and playing CT with low enthusiasm should not be worth. I mean, the effect of CT should be lower or higher with regard to the enthusiasm level.
I hope I have explained well the point.
Last edited by Emilio at 4/8/2008 8:17:57 AM
¡Me aburro! (Homer Simpson)