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Date: 3/2/2013 11:39:37 AM
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Hi I am Mick. WE all know that the Pit bulls are gooing to win THIS season, but how about next season. I think that the top teams that might wi this year are at Number one, the Golden Pipes. They willl probably have a future MVP so that will definitly help them in experience. Number 2, the Oklahoma Vipers. They are now in the low 1300's which help them beat many, many, and also many teams this year. Number 3, the Lakers. With tis being there rookie season they are looking sharp.; with the team's players having a year of experience thay COULD win it all. Last Number 4, The McCoy's. They have a decent chance this year but I think they will have more than 6 losses, I even manage that team. Down at the bottom will tell you the rest.

1. Golden Pipes 19-3
2. Assasians 16-6
3. McCoy's 14-8
4. Panthers 11-11

1. Vipers 20-2
2. Lakers 18-4
3. Bucks 15-74
4. Flames 13-9

Finals match up: Pipes vs. Vipers, Winner- Pipes

Last edited by Mickey LT McCoy at 3/2/2013 11:41:32 AM

From: jeldon
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236780.2 in reply to 236780.1
Date: 3/5/2013 6:26:32 PM
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Mick, I'm trying to find a way to humbly disagree with your prediction, but I would be greatly disappointed if I'm 19-3 after a season of 21-1. I actually thought there might be a chance that I'd promote, in spite of my loss to Pitbulls (who suckered me into playing a lower enthusiasm level offering to also play "Playoff Normal, but no matter). 19-3 would be a step backward for me, however, I do love that your prediction has me winning the league!

All of that being said, I was surprised to receive a gift in the draft of an 18 year old hall of fame potential C. As I was in the middle of guard training and in full acquisition mode to to shore up my depth for a Cup run, I'm now faced with switching gears to train a player that I did not expect to be training. I spent no money in the draft and didn't rank anybody so I was shocked to see this player on my roster. This is a great surprise, though and I'm not exactly complaining!

My plan now is to whittle down to 11 or 12 players, and to acquire one more young trainee.

I also think we might want to update this to incorporate our D IV relegee. I'm sure they'll be in contention for promotion this season, and I'm guessing (just from glancing at the roster) that this manager has some cash to invest in new players should the need arise.

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236780.3 in reply to 236780.1
Date: 3/9/2013 2:22:56 PM
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I think I could pull off a 3rd place finish. I think the Oklahoma Vipers and L.A. Lakers are too much for me. I maybe could pull off the upset once. But I doubt I could twice. I could finish 15-7. Maybe 16-6. But I think the Golden Pipes will go undefeated. They just seem like too much for everyone else.

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236780.5 in reply to 236780.3
Date: 3/27/2013 10:25:06 AM
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Tried out a new gameplan and it seems to have worked. Sventickis dropped buckets, but took so many shots.

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236780.6 in reply to 236780.5
Date: 3/28/2013 9:17:53 AM
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I'm kinda struggling right now. I need to find out what's wrong. I lost a game to The Oranges. Which I shouldn't have lost.