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Arena expansion strategy

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From: jeorge9
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Date: 4/2/2013 3:46:15 AM
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Since joining BB 3 seasons ago, I have religiously followed this strategy of expanding my arena weekly.
I usually spend around 40k-50k per week and expansion is usually completed in 6-7 days.

Anyone would like to share your expansion program?
I'm thinking if my strategy is efficient enough or i'm taking too much time to build my arena slowly.

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239972.2 in reply to 239972.1
Date: 4/2/2013 6:14:14 AM
Kings XI Punjab
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Kings XI Punjab II
It'll take a lot of seasons in this process, build it fast if you had cash reserved.

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239972.3 in reply to 239972.1
Date: 4/2/2013 9:07:23 AM
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I have no strategy (I just started this team, but I did have a team for the past 4 or 5 seasons) but I just make sure I'm always expanding. I'll usually spend around 60k-120k each time I expand, so that I A) avoid myself from buying players that I'll eventually sell later and B) get my arena expanding largely in short time. Perhaps it'd be more efficient to expand once every two weeks because you'll have more money left over to improve your arena(considering you're making profit each week).

I'm definitely gonna watch this forum post. Getting a routine going would be perfect for me.

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239972.4 in reply to 239972.1
Date: 4/2/2013 9:12:22 AM
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Decent arena expansion thus far. Since you are in Div III, you should be able to build a much bigger arena than you currently have. I am guessing you earn around 100,000/week+ cup money. I wouldn't hold too much money back if you don't plan to win the league. Might as well dump your money in the arena and expand quicker. If I were you I would concentrate on expanding until all-star break with some massive expansions getting 500 courtside, 25 luxury, 2000 lower, and 10,000 bleachers if you have the cash sitting around.

Personally when I was in Div 5 I expanded early selling my HOF to get more seats. Then I just tried to put whatever cash I could muster into more seats. I expanded my courtside and luxury first than worked on lower and bleachers.

Since I started in Div 4 I have expanded twice. I expanded my bleachers by 2400 seats and my lower by 250 seats both because I was selling out from winning my league bonus. I am currently in the middle of my second expansion. Unless I can find a good USA player (point guard or center) I plan to expand next week lower tier and courtside.

By all-star break I should have 12,000 bleacher, 2200 lower, 500 courtside, 26 luxury. After that I plan to save my money for new starters to push for a Div 4 title in season 24.

Basically If I price my seats right, I should earn 1% back of the initial build price each week until I get out of Div 4. Since I am stuck in Div4 for at least one season, I figured it was the best investment as I will earn back about 20% of the investment before I leave Div 4. The payback is slow on arena expansions, but its less risky than trying to earn money on buying/selling players. Also, once you get to higher divisions, the payback speeds up some. Lastly, it takes around 6.6 million for an optimal sized arena (15,000/4,500/500/50). Then you are finished and can concentrate on your team

Last edited by lawrenman at 4/2/2013 9:34:51 AM

From: jeorge9

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239972.6 in reply to 239972.5
Date: 4/2/2013 11:18:06 PM
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thanks for the inputs guys.

now since i have excess cash i plan to put 250k for renovation this week, then after that i'll probably spend most of my weekly income which is close to 100k to arena expansion as well.

this way i can also keep myself on being tempted to bid on players that i might regret in the future.

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239972.7 in reply to 239972.5
Date: 4/3/2013 5:46:39 AM
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Hi, my arena is around 11600-3000-400-25 and i have some cash saved (1.8M-2M). It's my first time in III(italy is very competitive :D) and i'm doing some great incomes, around 250K that's 50-60k greater then the league average. For now i'm building only lower tiers. Do you think is better aiming for a 12500-8000-500-50 or a 15000-5500-500-50 arena? thank in advance for answers.

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239972.10 in reply to 239972.9
Date: 4/3/2013 10:42:25 AM
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Ok thank.