What's worse? Throwing an away game before the home game OR throwing a home TV game? Which one is going to affect the attendance more?
Honestly, it depends. If you've already lost your first TV game and know you're losing the third, for example, and it's very soon after you get finished with interconference play, there's something to be said for punting that one. If your last TV game is the final game of the season, the TV game coming up will essentially factor in your fan survey for the remainder of the season and winning it becomes a lot more important. But as a general rule, the TV game has a longer effect and in the wide majority of cases given this choice you'd want to win the TV game.
edit: of course, if you're playing Burger Chefs, well, you might as well throw that game. See if you can have an uglier game than my first TV game against them in season 18:
(42762171)Last edited by GM-hrudey at 4/11/2013 3:32:35 PM