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Transfer list help

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From: Rovan
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Date: 4/12/2013 2:57:37 PM
Sierra Oaks Cougars
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Does anyone know when during the week the most people are online? My guess is that it must be on a game day at a time when Italy and Spain have league games. Is this right?

I ask because I am curious as to the best time to list a player for sale on the transfer list. I have a pretty good young player and I would like to get maximum dollar for him. So far I have not been very good at it. Some tips would be great.

Thanks in advance.

From: Big Dogs

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240492.2 in reply to 240492.1
Date: 4/12/2013 4:52:03 PM
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Users get on the most on game days (Tuesday, Saturday, and to a slightly smaller extent, Thursday). The best time to put a player on the TL is 8 AM through 2 PM (or 9-3 Eastern). This is the time that Europeans, who make up a majority of the BB population, are on watching games and whatnot.

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240492.3 in reply to 240492.1
Date: 4/12/2013 8:48:56 PM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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I think gameday for Europeans is the time most users are online, I usually see 2000+ around those times. But it's also important to take into account when the people online have money; so I'd time it so your player's deadline is right after the games. Most European countries have GMT+1 or CET, which is 6 hours earlier than US Eastern. The games end around 8:30 PM here, so it's 2:30 PM Eastern. If you put your player's deadline at 3 PM ET, most people will be online with money.

From: Rovan
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240492.5 in reply to 240492.4
Date: 4/15/2013 4:02:13 PM
Sierra Oaks Cougars
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Thank you for your responses.