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USA - V.14 > For anyone interested....

For anyone interested....

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From: slackmf
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Date: 4/25/2013 3:59:24 PM
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In communicating, I think it's time we got a relatively current thread going for any updates.

The Blugrass Nationals just picked up a decent PF in Loomis, and with the development of our young C Russel Liu, think we might have a chance to squeak into the playoffs if we can manage to beat Bellafontain in our rematch.

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241000.2 in reply to 241000.1
Date: 5/6/2013 7:55:12 AM
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My team was going good, but my starting C is down for 3 weeks, got a lucky draft pick last season and got a great PG, I'm not even worried about making playoffs, I just want to finish .500 or better lol.