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training DR and HA

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Date: 6/7/2013 5:20:45 PM
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I originally thought that it was better for a player to be short when you wanted to train handling and driving, but I heard somewhere that the training speed of those two skills aren't affected by height. Can I get a second opinion?

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242613.2 in reply to 242613.1
Date: 6/7/2013 8:41:22 PM
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the training sim seems to support that.

Of all the skills to train, one on one seems to be the best option for training players IMO. You can train driv/hand/js of relatively equal value or driv/hand/js/is with is/js half the driv/hand.

Also the sim seems to support that one on one guards trains bigs better than one on one forwards. Personally I'd suggest training bigs on one on one guards as it trains JS better than other options. Training one on one forwards is better for shorter players as training IS C is harder for them.