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Player Market Search

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From: HAHA
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Date: 1/25/2014 8:56:01 AM
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Just wondering, instead of using abilities to search players, how about using the stats to search?

I know the stats depends on the team strategies and the league opponent, but it would give a reference to the buyers. Say, use the average stats in last 5 games/in the last 28 days, show it in player market page for information.

Note: To be honest, what I am interested in is offensive rebounds. What attributes should I look for? If not sure, then could I have the stats as a reference, please?

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254552.2 in reply to 254552.1
Date: 1/25/2014 2:46:15 PM
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For offensive rebounds you need high rebounding. also you need ur guards to be shitty at scoring so if they miss more you get more oportunities to rebound so it should be better to look for ofensive rebounds per missed shot. for example my centers on average take 14 ofensive rebounds a game while my oponents take 15, so who rebounds better? my centers take 14 ofensive rebs out of like 45 missed shots 33percent while oponents makes 15 out of 60 so 25 percent basicly 1 lvl in rebouinding in my calculations is 8 percent ofensive rebounding. since my centers made out of 25percent to 33 while got 1 lvl rebounding each during offseason.

From: Phoenix

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254552.3 in reply to 254552.1
Date: 1/28/2014 4:50:09 AM
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The one thing that is missing right now on the TL search is the player name in my opinion

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