Hi guys
I was looking at building my arena today, entered some lower tier, then decided against it. Change the number to zero, then pressed "Get a quote".
(that is to say, i have Zero, in all the fields).
I get returned with the following:
Expand arena
Requested Expansion: 0 Bleachers
0 Lower Tier
0 Courtside Seats
0 Luxury Boxes
Total Upgrade: 0 seats
Total Cost: $0
This expansion will take roughly 6 days.
Now, i dunno about you, but zero seats, for zero dollars, should probably not take 6 days.
The 'Yes, Build it!" Button was also active. I didnt press it, but i can only assume that i would not be able to build for 6 days after this.
More a bug in case a user accidentily doesn't type the number in or something, and i can only assume that they will be locked out of building for 6 days -so its probably worthwhile just having a little 'check for all seats equal zero' test, and if true, don't make 'Build it' button active - or something like that.