I know its kinda late for my first post here, but here it is: i played almost since this game started ,in Div III for the biggest part of it. I ran into financial trouble ( very easy if everybody's salary goes up 1k every week) 3 seasons ago, plus i felt like starting new anyways( i was in D 4 then) so i sold everyone and started with nothing but 18 year olds worth 1k from the transfer market, went down to D5, but was promoted the very next season without a single loss (!!!) Well, young players improve rather fast of course, but can anyone imagine how exiting it is beating the **** out of every single team youre facing ? Unless there is a huge miracle i will go back down again , as i cant compete with even my 6 ranked opponent. I hate the prospect of another wins-only season in D5... Anyways, just remember to NOT do anything too crazy here, you will never recover from it. Plus i already mentioned the auto-raises for staff are the biggest downfall for this game, but dont despair, high leveled staff is completely overrated. I actually have the highest possible coach, and see where it got me ? Just hire mediocre staff and replace them when they get too expensive....