I think the draft should be moved up, to right after the last game of the regular season. Since the draft is within a league, this makes it easy to compare picks, etc. before teams are promoted/relegated.
The new draftees could be made ineligible for the playoffs, and could be made 17 and 18 YO with a birthday in a couple of weeks.
There should also be more interaction with the scouting process during the season. I'm not convinced that you can't simply let the scouting information that is shown now accrue during the season. But at minimum you could be able to know how many pieces of scouting information you have, perhaps including a count of positions. (eg. you've scouted 3 PG, 2 SG, 4 SF, 1 PF, and 2 C), as well as how many players have had private sessions. Perhaps there could be a control that would direct scouting toward particular postions. This need not be an absolute control but should be able to affect distribution.
And perhaps the last two scouting weeks could be after the draft list is revealed, so a team has an opportunity to do panic scouting (it is more expensive this way, so there is a balance).
Last edited by jimrtex at 4/21/2008 6:47:59 PM