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BB Utopia > Whiner Line

Whiner Line

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From: TKOK
This Post:
Date: 4/2/2014 2:27:23 PM
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A place to whine about stuff bothering you!

I start right away:
I wasted several hours searching for a new assistent coach..... all are (getting) so fraking expensive.
How am i supposed to aquire 5 half decent starters + 3 trainees and a decent trainer along with an arena upgrade with this little amount of cash available if everybody bids like hell on everything that moves on the market.

STAHP! and met me have my cheap coach

From: Phoenix

This Post:
257164.2 in reply to 257164.1
Date: 4/2/2014 3:50:25 PM
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Welcome in a big BB nation ;)

Le forum francophone dédié à Buzzerbeater : ( Vous y trouverez conseils et partage
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257164.3 in reply to 257164.1
Date: 4/2/2014 4:26:34 PM
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Now when i win a bid war for an only lvl 3 coach or a 30+ YO player, i got the music of football Champions League in my head.

From: GM-hrudey

This Post:
257164.4 in reply to 257164.1
Date: 4/2/2014 4:33:24 PM
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A place to whine about stuff bothering you!

I start right away:
I wasted several hours searching for a new assistent coach..... all are (getting) so fraking expensive.
How am i supposed to aquire 5 half decent starters + 3 trainees and a decent trainer along with an arena upgrade with this little amount of cash available if everybody bids like hell on everything that moves on the market.

STAHP! and met me have my cheap coach

When competent coaches with salaries more along the line of not-cheap advanced trainers are selling for upward of 20k, I think it would be a good guess that Utopia's going to be the best darned free throw shooting nation in BB!

This Post:
257164.5 in reply to 257164.4
Date: 4/2/2014 5:27:17 PM
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Or at least with the best GS you've ever seen on useless players. Watch the DMI rise from 5000 to 5500!!!

This Post:
257164.6 in reply to 257164.5
Date: 4/2/2014 5:32:12 PM
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Or at least with the best GS you've ever seen on useless players. Watch the DMI rise from 5000 to 5500!!!

Or stamina.

"We suck, but we can suck all night long."

This Post:
257164.8 in reply to 257164.7
Date: 4/2/2014 5:55:02 PM
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And they were all French.

This Post:
257164.10 in reply to 257164.9
Date: 4/2/2014 6:15:32 PM
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It's all in good fun

From: Dean Broda

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257164.11 in reply to 257164.1
Date: 4/2/2014 6:18:19 PM
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I got 2 coaches, 2 ok trainees and an old center for under 200k. You just gotta be patient and bid on 100 different players/coahces like I did and hope to get lucky. Either that or wait a few days for a lot of the money to be spent.