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Pressure training

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From: Nock
This Post:
Date: 6/16/2014 7:18:18 AM
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Hello, I have question about training type. I want to increase stamina for my PG and I don't want to train whole team, because as I know it is less effective to train whole team than one player. So my question is does pressure training increase stamina? And also anyway if you know write down what will develop pressure training.

From: lape99

To: Nock
This Post:
259496.2 in reply to 259496.1
Date: 6/16/2014 10:31:19 AM
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Pressure primarily trains OD and it doesn't train stamina. If you want to train stamina, then train it, it won't matter if you are training the whole team. Because you can't train GS, Stamina and FT, without training the whole team, besides, these skills train pretty fast, you will get a pop in stamina after 1-2 weeks.

From: Nock

This Post:
259496.3 in reply to 259496.2
Date: 6/16/2014 11:38:16 AM
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Thank you, I'm not pretty experienced and can you tell me about training types? I mean what will be increased and decreased for each kind of train..

From: Gforce929

To: Nock
This Post:
259496.4 in reply to 259496.3
Date: 6/16/2014 1:55:41 PM
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I copied this from a very ancient thread, so the information may not be completely accurate. The amount of weeks that it takes to train each skills also depends on how old your players are and also the height of your player for some skills. The younger your players are, the faster they will train. Taller players will train big man skills faster, but guard skills slower and vice versa for smaller players.

Trains OD @ 2 weeks
Trains ID @ 8+
Trains HN @ 8+
Trains DV @ 8+

Trains SB @ 1-2 weeks
Trains ID @ 3-4 weeks?
Trains RB @ 3-4 weeks?

Inside Defense
Trains ID @ 1-2 weeks
Trains DV @ 3-4 weeks?
Trains IS @ 3-4 weeks?
Trains SB @ 3-4 weeks?

Inside Scoring
Trains IS @ 1-2 weeks
Trains ID @ 3-4 weeks?
Trains JS @ ?

One on One
Trains DV @ 2-3 weeks
Trains HN @ 3-4 weeks
Trains JS @ 3-4 weeks

Trains DV @ 1.8 weeks
Trains HN @ 2.3 weeks
Trains IS @ 4-5 weeks
Trains JS @ 4-5 weeks

Outside Shooting
Trains JR @ 2-3 weeks
Trains JS @ 4-6 weeks
Trains DV @ 7-8 weeks
Trains HN @ 7-8 weeks

Jump Shot
Trains JS @ 2-3 weeks
Trains JR @ 7-8 weeks
Trains HN @ 7-8 weeks
Trains DV @ 7-8 weeks

Trains JS @ 2-3 weeks
Trains JR @ 7-8 weeks
Trains IS @ 7-8 weeks

Trains JS @ 2-3 weeks
Trains JR @ 7-8 weeks
Trains DV @ 7-8 weeks
Trains HN @ 7-8 weeks
Trians IS @ 7-8 weeks

Ball Handling
Trains HN @ 1-2 weeks
Trains PS 2-3 weeks?

Trains PS @ 1-2 weeks
Trains HN @ 2-3 weeks?