The first two guys are pretty old and don't have the best guard skills. Depending on what offence you want to do, the second guy might be ok as an SF, defensively switched to PF/C, despite his low passing and handling.
Honestly, I would consider getting rid of the first guy as he is so old and will be dropping skills. Also, the 4th guy isn't very good and fairly old, so you might want to offload him too (I don't like to have anyone with less than inept passing).
I think the best course of action would be to sell players 1,2, and 4. Then keep player 3 as a true PF and see what you can find for SFs once the playoff deadline passes. If you can't find anyone, consider keeping player 2 and playing him at SF, defensively switched to PF or C (depending on where your trainee at C is defending).