well, looking at the market right now
a) Superior trainer - $16,500 salary - $338,000 bid.
b) Superior trainer - $25,000 salary, - $140k bid.
c) Superior Trainner - $33,500 salary - $1k bid.
So the difference between a and c, is about $16k salary, and $338k purchase price, which would only take 20 weeks to make up the difference. In that time, trainer a) salary is $22,200, whilst trainnee c) salary is $45k per week.
So in 20 weeks, the difference goes from about $16k to $23k per week.
Now, you may find that with some of the lower level staff, such as an advanced doctor, the purchase price difference between a $11k salary doctor and a $20k salary doctor is still only $1000, so yes, why on earth would someone bid on the $20k salary doctor. But he is only advanced level, so you don't get much, and there isnt much demand, so price is low (basic economics. low demand + High supply = low prices).
Conversely with, better staff.... Higher demand, and lower suplpy = Higher prices.
Don't get me wrong, people sitll bid more than what they should for staff... but the weekly savings are made now, rather than waiting 20 weeks to get your money back.
is it starting to make sense now?
Last edited by Coach Regan at 7/21/2014 2:41:50 AM