So I'm assuming if I want a team loaded with "marvelous" players, I train a couple and buy the rest? (Over several seasons.)
So I'm trying to narrow the focus of training to 4-5 key players, young with high potential. Like my 5-star draftee!
Honestly, if you are new-ish to the game, try focusing on 1-2 players. Its really REALLY difficult to train 4-5 players all at once.
Some training concepts which might help you.
- Single position training is bar far, the most effective. Running 2-position Pressure/Passing/OD training is pretty much a waste of time.
- 48 minutes each week in the position to get full training. The difference between 40 mins vs 48 mins is massive, its not a linear scale, its logorithmic. That is, 40 mins is like, 65% of full training (or something like that).
- Younger trainee's train WAY faster than older trainee's. You will notice a significant drop off at 21, and then again about 25.
Hope this helps.