Honestly, I don't really try to evaluate based on a box score unless the player played minimum 30-35 minutes. Here are some tips I typically use...
1)Avoid the players causing lots of turnovers, and if you can, assists> turnovers*2. Equates to most likely solid handling/passing.
2)Look at the personal fouls. Avoid players with 4+ if you can! as they're the ones with that aggression hidden trait that'll result in too many foul-outs. Unless you're looking to sell that is... It can also indicate bad defensive skills for the position they played.
3)Check out the steals and blocks. Higher steals usually means better OD, while more blocks usually is indicative of better ID/SB. If both are high? You drafted a tank.
4)Aim for players who not necessarily scored the most points, but who converted most of their shots when they did shoot. Converting 3-4 shooting for 6 points is likely better than scoring 8-22 but picking up nearly three times the points. It also might be indicative, if he didn't attempt as many shots, that he has good passing, even if his assists are low.