Version 2.0122 teams are potentially eligible to promote via regular season record.
There gonna be 6 League Champions outside the top 128 so 6 spots are allready taken.
68 League Champions will promote directly. That means the top 60 Teams from the regular season will promote for sure.
(At least 12 have to promote this way as there are leagues with multiple high record teams and just 1 champ)
These are:
* alll teams with 22:0 record
* alll teams with 21:1 record
* teams with 20:2 record and > 850 diff.Now comes the tricky part. The more teams out of these fixed promoter (max. 48) win their respective leagues the more teams can slip into their promotion-spots. Potential candidates:
* remaing teams with 20:2 record < 850 diff. (39 teams)
* teams with 19:3 record and > 640 diff. (9 teams)up to 12 additional teams may promote, if there are league champions from the 48 above who would allready promote via bot-promotion because top 60 teams won their leagues.
* teams with 19:3 record and diff. < 641 and > 560I hope i these numbers are correct, but there is allways a slim chance for personal failure
edit: i just realized that there are fewer spots for potential replacments because of the 12 non champ promotions. changed that!
edit #2: There are actually 6 teams (not 3) with low record who will win their respective leagues. changed that
edit #3: I had a mistake in my version 1.0 and i upgraded to 2.0. I had ro revert my first edit, and modified those 12 spots. There should be a chance for those teams to be one of the 48 bot-promoting teams outside the top 60
Last edited by TKOK at 9/29/2014 4:18:36 PM